Janmesha, advanced Kumon Mathematics student.
By studying Kumon Mathematics more than five years ahead of her school grade, Janmesha is one step closer towards her sky-high ambition of a career in aerospace engineering.
Kumon Mathematics develops quick, precise calculation skills necessary for the study of high school mathematics, and students progress at a rate determined by their ability, not age. It is a comprehensive programme, including topics such as number recognition, counting and writing; the four basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; fractions and decimals; and algebra, equations, functions and calculus. Each worksheet builds on what has come before and prepares students for what comes next.
Janmesha, in Year 4 at school, currently studies simultaneous equations, monomials and polynomials, and factorisation, at Kumon. Janmesha loves maths and she says what she is learning now at Kumon will be very helpful for her later education and career.
“Since I study maths at Kumon, I think it will help me a lot with maths and physics in upcoming years at school”, Janmesha says.
“I think it’s useful because those two subjects are important to know in engineering”.
Janmesha wants to work in aerospace engineering because she is fascinated by space and extraterrestrial planets.
In recognition of her achievements in Kumon Mathematics, Janmesha was invited to Kumon’s 2021 Virtual Advanced Student Forum, held each year in November. Despite moving to a virtual format due to the pandemic, this forum is where Kumon’s highest achieving students are celebrated. Attending students also hear from a range of guest speakers and have the opportunity to network with one another.
Hetal, Janmesha’s mother, says she is very proud of her daughter’s achievements in Kumon Mathematics.
“It’s a very good achievement for a child of such a young age, so I feel very proud of her”, Hetal says.
Hetal also believes that Janmesha’s Kumon Mathematics will be of great benefit to Janmesha as she strives becoming an aerospace engineer.
“Since her father is an engineer and he explained that physics is mostly about mathematics, that’s why she wants to focus on mathematics”, Hetal says.
Janmesha’s next goal is to complete the Kumon Mathematics programme.
“I want do it because I really enjoy maths, and it will help me in life to do my dream job in aerospace engineering”, she explains.