Maths and English Learning Programme | Kumon New Zealand


Kumon Instructors and staff at Little Athletics South Australia’s Kumon PB Classic.

Kumon Australia and New Zealand is committed to helping children realise their potential.

Our Kumon centres achieve this goal through instruction of the individualised mathematics and English programmes that develop fundamental mental calculation and reading comprehension skills in our students, as well as confidence in the classroom and the ability to self-learn. This benefits our students throughout their schooling, in tertiary education, and beyond.

At the same time, Kumon recognises the importance for children to grow into healthy, well-rounded adults who thrive outside the classroom. For this reason, Kumon recently partnered with children’s sporting associations, including Little Athletics organisations in New Zealand, Western Australia, New South Wales, South Australia, and the Australian Capital Territory, as well as Basketball Victoria and Surf Lifesaving Queensland.

Whether on the track, the basketball court, or in the surf, these organisations all help children to realise their potential. They provide children an opportunity to socialise, develop skills and confidence, and many of them teach children the importance of practise and persistence, as does Kumon Mathematics and English.

We look forward to continuing our partnerships with all these organisations in 2022 and to furthering our contribution to the community. Should you wish to learn more, please contact us via this form: