Maths and English Learning Programme | Kumon New Zealand

Manya tops the world in Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics

Manya, Top in the World for Cambridge IGSCE Mathematics, and a Kumon Mathematics and English programme completer.

Achieving Top in the World in Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics is just the beginning for Manya, as she eyes her next goal of becoming a bioengineer.

Manya, 15-years-old and a programme completer of Kumon Mathematics and English, achieved a perfect score of 200/200 in her Cambridge IGCSE mathematics exam, receiving the Top in the World in the 2021 Cambridge Outstanding Learner Awards. Manya says her completion of both Kumon programmes was a key contributor towards this fantastic result.

“Kumon played a major part because it taught me the basic structure and understanding of mathematics”, Manya says. “In this exam, I knew almost everything beforehand because I had either learned it in Kumon or my parents had taught me. This made it really easy in class for me to understand, and that’s how I was able to achieve such high results”.

Manya aspires to enrol in engineering at university and build robotic limbs as a bioengineer.

“I want to help people to gain their strength back”, she says.

Manya has always had a keen interest in mathematics. She was enrolled into Kumon at the age of three-and-a-half.

“In the real world, I realized that everything was either related to, or had a connection to mathematics”, Manya says. “For example, when shopping and buying items, you have to calculate the cost. I realized that the world revolved around maths, and that is what interested me in learning everything about it”.

Manya also believes she will continue to use the skills she acquired at Kumon throughout her life.

“I think Kumon would probably help me solve problems in many areas where speed and calculation and comprehension are used”, Manya says. “It taught me perseverance, and the significance of practice, and never giving up when things get a bit hard”.

“The course I’m planning to take in university is, I think, quite hard. I think I can do it with mathematics and comprehension skills and work skills that I’ve learned from Kumon. I would really try my best to utilise all these skills.”

*Manya is the child of a current Kumon Instructor