Kumon celebrates tomorrow’s problem solvers

During November, Kumon Australia & New Zealand will be ‘Celebrating tomorrow’s problem solvers’ with its Advanced Student Forums.

These events celebrate the achievements of those who completed a Kumon Programme or who have progressed to five years ahead of their school grade level. The forums will encourage students to think about how to use their tenacity to solve problems and achieve great things outside of Kumon.

Students will also explore the concept of ‘grit’, defined as “passion and sustained persistence applied toward long-term achievement” by US psychologist and author Angela Duckworth, and how this will be essential for their future achievements.

We look forward to celebrating the achievements of our amazing students on these following dates:

Canberra: Saturday 3 November
Sydney: Sunday 11 November
Melbourne: Sunday 11 November
Perth: Sunday 11 November
Auckland: 18 November
Adelaide: 18 November
Brisbane: 18 November


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